2025 Rum River Festival Design Contest
Create the winning design and win $50!
THREE ways to submit your entry:
Email entry to: pacc@princetonmnchamber.org
Mail entry to: Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
PO Box 563
Princeton, MN 55371
Drop off entry: Dropbox at 507 1st Street, Princeton
You must include: Your first and last name, address, phone and email address.
The winning design will be revealed on Facebook and will be featured on Rum River Festival stickers, promotional items, marketing and the 5K t-shirts!
​Contest is open to those who live or work in the greater Princeton area.
Open to those 12 years of age and older
One entry per person
Designs should include the following: "Princeton," "Rum River Festival," and this year's theme, "The Duck Days of Summer."
A computer generated design is preferred but will not have any bearing on the design selection. The design should be no larger than 8 1/2 x 11
If your design is chosen, you will need to wait one year to re-enter the contest. Example, 2024 winner can enter again in 2026.
The Princeton Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Board of Directors will judge on simplicity, creativity and displaying community pride.